Winners of The Green Study’s “Positive Happy Nice Story” Contest

canstockphoto14284461Thank you to everyone who submitted entries to The Green Study’s “Positive Happy Nice Story” Contest. What I enjoyed most about reading the entries were the diverse perspectives in what brings joy, not just in the experiencing of something, but in the retelling as well.

In addition to the top three winners, I’ve added 3 honorable mentions and thrown in some prizes for fun. The six essays selected will be published on this blog over the next few weeks.

1st Prize goes to Kiri at The Dust Season for “A Happily-Ever-After Story Involving Break-ins and Police Action”. She will be sent one Green Study Coffee Mug and a cheesy Minnesota postcard. I will also make a $100 donation to her local American Red Cross Chapter.

2nd Prize goes to Ross at Drinking Tips for Teens for “The Secret Side-Effect of Kindness”. He will be sent one Green Study Coffee Mug and an extraneous Minnesota postcard. I will also make a $75 donation to the Canadian Red Cross.

3rd Prize goes to Cezanne at Pugaddinilgab for “The Love of a Grandfather”. She will be sent one Green Study Coffee Mug and a silly Minnesota postcard. I will also make a $50 donation to the Red Cross International Disaster Response fund.

Honorable Mentions: These three entries, listed in no particular order, included a philosophical storyteller, a doctor who cares, and a paean to love. Diverse and expressive, I couldn’t leave them out. I will publish each of these as guest posts to my blog, send them a Green Study Coffee Mug, goofy Minnesota postcard and donate $25 each to the American Red Cross on their behalf of their local Red Cross Chapter or their International Disaster Response fund.

Bill at pinklightsabre with “The Expectations of Joy”.

Catherine at Healing Through Connections with “Don’t Give Up!”.

Alison at Adventures in Wonderland with “Sometimes We Take for Granted Those Who are Most Important to Us”.

Thank you to everyone who participated in my search for a little sunshine during this gloomy political season – enjoy the upcoming posts over the next few weeks!

17 thoughts on “Winners of The Green Study’s “Positive Happy Nice Story” Contest

  1. Thank you for hosting Michelle. It’s a really smart and nice offset to the other content swimming around in this sea of (insert metaphor here). Your readers and contributors made some nice, sparkly looking objects I am sure. Bill


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