The Awards Show, Part 1

There are serious things happening in the world. I’ve been reading blogs of those on the East Coast who have seen and written about the wholesale devastation left in the wake of this latest storm. I am not a journalist or a resident, so there is nothing for me to say that would usefully add to the conversation. What I did do was go to the American Red Cross website and make a donation. It’s not much, but it’s something.

I preface this post by saying even though there are serious things going on in the world, occasionally we need a break, a piece of fluff, a laugh just to relieve heavy hearts. Over the last few months, I’ve received several blogging kudos with which I’ve done nothing. So instead of phoning in my blog postings while struggling with my first novel, I thought I’d take a care of a little housekeeping. I know there’s a chain letter aspect to blogging awards. As I’ve become more invested in writing, my excuse was that it is time-consuming to follow the guidelines. But it does make me a little miserly.

In the spirit of the month of Thanksgiving, I would like to express my gratitude to the bloggers and writers who have made this experience so enjoyable. If you are not listed, it’s about the limitations of time and not about whether I deem your blog worthy. You write or show your photos, you put yourself out there, you put the time and effort in to share your life or aspects of it. My judgment, my award chain mail doesn’t count in the world of what you do.

The rules are thus:

  • Identify and show appreciation of the blogger who awarded you.

Thank you to Single Again for passing on this Reader Appreciation blog award on 08/19/12. She generously shares her story about the big transition from marriage to being on her own again.

  • You must add the award logo to your blog.

Added to my “About” page.

  • Tell your readers 7 things about yourself.
  1. I’m addicted to Ben & Jerry’s FroYo Cherry Garcia.
  2. I used to teach flute lessons and I play a little piano.
  3. I lost a regional school spelling bee with a four letter word. Yeah, you wish. It was “onyx”.
  4. I once worked in a grocery store bakery and was forced to wear a name badge that said “Hello! I’m new, but I’m exceptional!”
  5. I threw up in the front seat of my car after a particularly bad New Year’s hangover. That is pretty much when I became a teetotaler.
  6. I love fake Mexican and fake Greek food – you know, the kind we get in the US. Usually it involves sour cream.
  7. I ran away from home when I was 8. My mother helped me pack.
  • You must nominate 5-10 of your favorite bloggers you read regularly for this award.

That’s right, I’m changing the rules and I’m going for 5, since I really need to get back to writing my book.

1PointPerspective  Very funny, unpredictable perspectives on random topics. Great commenter as well.

Honie Briggs Because she doesn’t have this award yet and I think she’s kind of cool.

Cat’s City Life She’s one of my NaNoWriMo writing buddies, in complete denial that it has started, but has some really, really good explanations why.

Belly Button Blues Mostly because every time Teresa comments on my blog, I get to see a belly button gravatar. But she’s also pretty funny and a little winsome at times.

Not Quite Old I laughed so hard reading about her terrifying an 8 year old. And I’m a mother (and possibly a jerk for finding that kind of thing funny).

  • Inform your nominees that you nominated them.

I’ll get there, eventually.

So that wraps up Part 1. I have several more to pass on, but I’ll space them out throughout the month so that people who didn’t get schmoozed with an award in this round, will be over being mad at me by the time I post another one. And so that people who really don’t give a shit about this sort of thing will keep reading my posts.

12 thoughts on “The Awards Show, Part 1

  1. hey you! thanks. that’s little guy #7’s belly button. it’s an outie–just like mine. it made me quite the neighborhood celebrity (the circus sideshow freak variety) when i was a kid. now i can win bets at a bar with it (don’t ask).


  2. I think you’re cool for donating to the American Red Cross. Very cool.
    The Red Cross is staffed 95% by volunteers and funded 100% by donations. Volunteers train to relieve human suffering worldwide without discrimination and promote the principles of humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntary service, unity, and universality. It is an organization worthy of support.
    Oh, and Reader Appreciation is the best blog bling EVER! Thank you 😉


  3. Pingback: R*E*A*L*I*T*Y Blog Award | Inspired Vision

  4. Pingback: In Real Life | honiebriggs

  5. Pingback: The Awards Show, Part 3 | The Green Study

  6. Pingback: The Awards Show, Part 4 | The Green Study

  7. Pingback: The Awards Show, Part 5 | The Green Study

  8. This is great! I don’t think it’s spam or chain mail at all.
    I play flute and am going to try NaNoWriMo. Any tips on either one?


    • Thanks – it’s been a while since I’ve done an awards post, but the month of gratitude will soon be upon us.

      Tips? I’m honored to be asked. No tips on the flute as it’s been years since I taught. I could just mutter something about embouchure. That’s what all my teachers did. As for NaNoWriMo, I got the flu last year, so I essentially wrote 3-5,000 words in the last few days. Don’t do that – it took weeks to recover! So my goal this year is to pace myself more evenly through the month. It is a fairly rigorous task, but really a lot of fun. Enjoy!


      • Thanks so much! I am looking forward to checking out more of your blog.
        I am also starting my own blog. I hope I can make it as great as yours!
        Thanks again!


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