Meta -Narcissism, or Why This Blog Might Suck

As my focus turns to more writing, more blogging, more public self-expression, I worry about what it is doing to my psyche. Yesterday I spent a lot of time surfing through articles about blogging and ran across this one at “10 Reasons Why Your Blog Sucks” by Edward Khoo. If I weren’t an insecure blogger before, I would be after reading this list.

Just like a lot of bloggers, I tell myself that I just want to write. Well, that’s a big, fat lie. If all I wanted to do was write, that could easily be done in my Mead Composition Notebook with my Zebra pen (does this count as product placement?). I want people to read what I’ve written and to talk to me about it. There. I’ve said it. I’m Michelle. I’m a blogging writer and I want attention. How does this make me any different from the oft-mocked Kardashians (except for all the money, bling and cleavage)?

So back to all these articles and blog posts about how to be a good blogger. First I need to look up SEO, AdSense and RSS feed on Wikipedia (does this give away my ignorance?). How do I drive traffic to my blog? How do I mind control droves of unwitting surfers to read about what cute shit my daughter said today? It took me a few hours of reading up on this subject to realize that if I ever want to make money as a writer, this won’t be the forum for it. I like it where it’s at – thoughtful comments, an array of interesting people to “meet”, no #$@ ads on the side, no pressure to be better than the last post. It’s lovely.

I’m still a little hung up on the Khoo article, especially numbers 2 & 3 on the list:

“2. Your blog is boring. There I said it. Write about topics that interest me, your reader, not topics that interest you. I want you to keep me engaged, entertain me and teach me. Otherwise, you’re boring me.

3. Your blog revolves around your person. Stop talking about yourself already. I don’t know you personally, and I couldn’t care less about your ramblings. Tell me something I can use in my own life. Facts, stories, not boring personal stuff.

I mean really, all I do is write about myself: my opinions, my family, my workout injuries, my sad and sloppy childhood. I expect to run out of material any day now. And each time I start a post, I remember some weird-ass nugget from my life and I write about it. By the time I’ve edited and re-written a post 60 times, it doesn’t seem remotely interesting. And then the comments come – thoughtful, well-written, funny, informed people taking the time to share their stories and opinions. Wow. Isn’t that the beauty of this whole thing? Isn’t that true optimization?

When I read blogs that are obviously geared to make money, I come away cold and never return. I get the feeling that I’m being manipulated – much like watching a political ad or Hallmark movie. The machinations of getting attention are too choreographed and cynical. Sometimes I’d just like to hang with a blogger who is honest, maybe even clumsy, a little arcane, but someone who really just wants to tell me their story. I like reading blogs by people who earnestly tell me who they are and how they get by in the world.

Corporations and politicians have become very sophisticated in manipulating our emotions and prejudices. I’d like a little less sophistication and a little more human for my daily life, please. With a side of self-deprecation, thanks. Even blogs that I find hysterically funny are sometimes exhausting to read regularly, if the laugh is what they are going for each and every time.

Maybe that’s what it comes down to – I’m writing what I like to read. A mix of everything and nothing at all – no limitations, no particular focus and no targeted audience. If my blog sucks, there’s really no accounting for your bad taste, but I’m glad to make your acquaintance. And please, tell all your friends.

81 thoughts on “Meta -Narcissism, or Why This Blog Might Suck

  1. Well, see, Michelle, EDWARD Khoo is a GUY so he is going to want practical blogs that give him things he can use, and that’s fine. But he’s missing the point about blogs that talk about ourselves and our interests. Does he really think that just because HE’S not interested in something, no one else is? His little list says a lot about him and nothing about YOUR audience.

    I think blogs by women talking about their lives, their kids, their workout injuries or sloppy childhoods, ARE of interest to other women especially. We crave a certain connection and validation that men frankly seem to avoid. In many ways, I have more meaningful conversations with internet friends than I do with my husband of 20 years. “Guys don’t talk about that stuff,” he says, and the way is closed. If I want to unburden myself or see how others feel, who do I turn to? My female friends. We commiserate and validate each other’s feelings and experiences in a way that men can’t (or won’t, because “guys don’t talk about that stuff”). And in the same way, well, the internet and some thoughtful women’s blogs are a Godsend. It expands our opportunities for communication about things meaningful to US. Not to Edward. Run along, now, Edward. Deep conversation going on here.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Lila, you posted a thought-provoking comment as usual. I agree that Mr. Khoo’s post certainly says more about his intent in reading blogs than it does about the blog content, although he’s not the first to give this particular tip.

      I understand what you are saying and I am always grateful to my girlfriends for their willingness to get into detail-oriented conversations. But I must protest painting men with such a broad brush. Whatever sexism I feel, there are certainly enough examples of men to prove me wrong. My husband is one of them, often being the more emotionally attuned person in our relationship. I deserve the “insensitive jerk” award on a regular basis, so my perspective is a little different than yours.

      I think that you are right about women’s blogs – it really is a great forum to bring us together, instead of, as society often does, pitting us against one another in some sort of weird primal competition.

      As ever, your comments are impassioned and appreciated.


  2. Please, please do not believe what you read in the Khoo article. Boy, is he wrong. What makes your blog great (and I mean great) is that you write personal stuff / very revealing stuff about yourself. You hang it all out there and it is gut wrenching. It is educational at times and I can’t always relate but it is always compelling. Your writing is emotionally engaging. On a number of occasions you have articulated your feelings and explained your world, based on your past and the reader has been hooked. We are fans and we support you because we feel we know you (a little) now. Please don’t doubt yourself and go with your gut.


    • I didn’t mean to tar and feather Mr. Khoo. He has actually written some good technical articles on blogging, so while I cite him as an example, he’s not the only person handing out that particular piece of blogging advice.

      The funny thing is, after reading all these articles, I just throw up my hands and go right back to the way I like to do things. It’s almost like knowing when to quit – knowing when to completely ignore advice!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Well… I like to read blogs just because they are so personal, so unexpected, so “not me”. I like to write “me”. And I love the world of blogging because although yes, I love to be read, I also love the fact that I’m not foisting my writing on those who aren’t interested. So, Mr Khoo, while your opinions may well be valid, I shall stick to the world of Green Study and others!


  4. I stay away from “helpful” blogs written by know-it-alls whose sole purpose in life is to make me feel inferior. Write what you know, what you love, build it and they will come. Your blog does not suck. When that sinking feeling starts to make you question your writing, sing this song…”I’m a blogger, you know what I mean, and I do my little turn on the catwalk….” 🙂


  5. I have read articles like the ones you mention; they all pretty much say the same thing. I choose to write about what interests me, and if people don’t want to read that, there are plenty of other blogs out there. If I write about things that don’t interest me, just to gain a following, then I’m not being true to myself. I believe that the little nuggets in my Gratitude Journal, or the random posts in A New Beginning, or the fiction I post in Sable Wings, have some value to someone, somewhere. I may not have oodles of followers, but I value and appreciate the ones I do have. Besides, if I had oodles of followers, how would I keep up with the comments? 🙂


    • What I like about your multiple blogs, is that you do have that specific focus in each one. As Benedicte pointed out earlier, you have readers that know what to expect and want to be there. I’m there! I think the quality of writing is impacted by one’s level of interest. I often read other writer’s blogs where they are talking about their forced march through writing, whether it be a commitment to post every day or turning in commissioned work. That’s a level of professionalism that I can only aspire to, as I seem to write when and about whatever strikes me in the moment.


  6. The way I see it now, blogging should make you happy. As long as it does, then who cares how much of your opinions you share, or whether other people are interested by the same things as you?
    Of course, it feels fantastic when people like what you do, too.
    When I first started blogging a few months ago, I was seeing things a bit differently. I was really hoping people would like my blog, and after I posted for the first time, it felt a bit like the first day of secondary school all those years ago, when I was petrified that I was wearing the wrong clothes or saying the wrong things, and the other kids would not like me.
    Pretty soon though, I realised that although I loved getting comments, and likes, and new followers, the mere fact of having shared my recipe was enough. Have I finally matured into an adult? 🙂


    • I started off being hesitant about even the idea that my writing would be “out there”. Getting Freshly Pressed in August was a freakish experience. I started to feel a lot of pressure to be far more erudite, prolific and interesting than I actually am. I’m back where I need to be now. Just writing about random things and interacting with other readers and writers. That feels like solid and enjoyable ground to be on. Less popularity contest, more just being comfortable.

      I don’t know if you’re a mature adult. Let’s hope not. All I know is that I’m very hungry right now and I will be avoiding The Greedy Frog until after lunch!


  7. I gave up reading those articles. Every time I did, I felt my blog posts became unauthentic. The pressure can be so great to write well, that we just end up not writing at all. And that is the worst thing you can do! It is better to write something that represents you, than not write anything out of the fear of not satisfying your readers. This is YOUR blog. Not an internet forum.
    That aside, I do find that if it is a post where I am writing freely about my thoughts, I try to justify them. How did I get my opinions? Was it from a book I read, some news I overheard, a class I took, a conversation from a friend. Were there any facts that contributed to my thought process? If yes, then I will list them. In this way, I feel better knowing that I didn’t empty a rant to the world wide web – but I opened a case for discussion. Something they can judge FOR themselves, and in doing so are judging themselves… (Don’t even know if that made sense.)

    Anyway. I liked this post, because it did just that. It made me look at myself.


    • Thanks for reading and commenting. You made a couple of great points. Blogging advice, like writing advice can ofttimes be more of an obstacle to writing than a help, because you get yourself so bound up in trying to get it “right” that it prevents you from writing anything at all.

      Writing for many people, myself included, is a way of making sense of one’s thought processes, doing exactly what you talked about. If you want to convey and have people understand your point of view, you’re forced to think through a logical argument. I find sometimes that I end up far away from where I started because of what emerges from the process itself. And I can come up completely on the wrong side of things, because I can’t support whatever idea I’m trying to convey.


  8. I read the same Khoo article a while back and thought, “Meh.” I suppose it depends on your goal. If the goal is to craft a successful product, then the advice is probably useful. If the goal is to express yourself your way, then the advice misses the mark rather badly.

    Sorry, Edward, I’m not writing for you, and you should understand this: If my blog bores you, I. Don’t. Care. It ain’t for your benefit, it’s for mine.

    And I’ll tell you what… it’s the personal articles that I write that seem to attract the most attention. When I do seek to teach interesting things that I’m pretty sure most don’t know… the general response is, “WTF was that?!” (But I’m still going to write those posts! If just one person gets that gleam of a new door opening on their world, that’s enough for me.)


    • Your comment brings me to another thought. When did everything on this planet have to be packaged and marketed as “product”? I suppose that happened at the same time that employees started being referred to as “human capital”, which always reminds me of Soylent Green.

      Since I’m interested in learning new things, I like your blog (even the excruciating math posts). I tend to read a lot of math and science blogs, though, for the simple fact that I don’t get that information in everyday life. And maybe that even makes Mr. Khoo’s point a bit. I read for added value (another capitalist term that has entered common lexicon). The personal blogs usually give me something to think about – some new perspective that I haven’t seen yet.


      • Yep, it’s become a commodity world, and I refuse to “market” myself. If that makes the world pass me by, so be it.

        Good point about why we all read the blogs we do. There’s always something we do gain. And totally with you on the obviously product sellers… I’ve had a few follow me, but I can’t respond. No interest.


  9. I prefer blogs that are real, as in not forced, so a few blogs I read are more of the expert telling the layman how things work, but most of what I read are the writers musing on their corner of the world, most completely different from me, some the same, but real.
    I used to follow a blog of a girl I went to college with (mostly because she was annoying and I could read about her life and laugh, I know I’m mean/petty) , but then she actually got pretty big, ads/sponsers/money pouring in all over the place (so much so her husband quit his job and they lived very comfortably off of it) but her writing changed and her style changed and it became obvious the shift had gone from writing for fun, to writing for clicks/money. Lots of teases, lots of click here to read more, and lots of drama real and imagined. I stopped reading. I hate reality tv because real it is not, the same for blogging. Real is best, no matter what forum that “real” comes in.


    • Your acquaintance’s story seems to reflect what happens to a lot of “celebrities”. I suppose it is easy to get sucked up into all the money and attention and praise. I wonder how long it will last, though. Even people who have managed to make a living off of blogging seem to fade away pretty quickly or they start authoring books. For every success story, there’s thousands of disappearing blogs. Don’t worry, when I hit it big, I’ll still be real. It’s way too much work to be anything else. Although I would happily pay someone else to clean my house…


  10. I agree with you 100%. Blogging is really the last truly un-metric-able, un level-playing-fieldable, ,totally eccentric personal activity. Let me run something by you, though – I have a friend, who has a blog that gets, you know 50-70 likes a week (used to get a lot more in another place) who seems ot hate being read and every now and then he writes blogs which seem to say little more than “go away you are disturbing my privacy” or “blogging is infantile – I have already written this, isn’t that the important part?” What do you think is going on there?


    • I laughed when I first read this. I’m not sure what is up with your friend. Maybe he thinks he is J.D. Salinger, but even Mr. Salinger wouldn’t have had a blog and then slapped his readers in the face with insult. He lived his attitude. Your friend is doing something akin to going to the grocery store dressed as Lady Gaga and then snarling at people “what are you lookin’ at?!?”

      What a funny dichotomy – thanks for sharing!


  11. Just wondering why most of us blog.

    It is not for money. God knows I don’t want fame or recognition. Do you? We’re probably all doing it for love. Even in the tiny bursts that reside in “notifications” about people who were moved enough to click “like”, no matter what their motives.

    Blogging then is probably a lot like getting love in real life; if you are just yourself, you’ll attract those who love you. Go ahead and suck to the majority of the world!


    • Wow – you really drilled down to the primal basics there. On Maslow’s hierarchy pyramid, above the physical and safety requirements, blogging has impact on the top 3 tiers: Love/belonging, esteem and self-actualization.

      You just summed up what has made people thousands of dollars: “if you are just yourself, you’ll attract those who love you”. All those Secret and Laws of Attraction books, tapes, seminars, movies…how did they manage to turn that singular idea into a goldmine?

      I love that little orange notification button….shamelessly.


    • I have long believed that some people have a drive to express their view of reality that goes beyond being rewarded for it, that goes beyond being loved. Absolutely, I love getting those Likes and Follows and Comments… but I would do what I do even without them. I think that need to express ourselves is something fundamental about us.

      Think of all the artists who did their art without recognition, and yet they persisted. Some were recognized long after they died, and some were never recognized. Painters, musicians, writers… we are driven to create something unique of ourselves and put it out there, to share our personal viewpoint regardless of what others think.

      We are artists, and we can no more suppress our desire to create than we can suppress our desire to breath.


  12. Your blog is not boring. It’s thoughtful, insightful, witty. It’s always a good read and it usually makes me think. Not that I’m any expert – I started my blog to get my brother to quit leaving comments on the empty blog I accidentally started when I opened a WP account to follow his blog. The whole thing is just a funny accident – even so I have so enjoyed getting to know some writers who I enjoy reading – you are one of those for sure:) I like Honie’s T-shirt idea – genius.


    • Thanks for the compliments. Blog reading tastes are so subjective, that as several people commented, there are always other places to go if it isn’t of interest to a particular reader. Your funny accident has been such an enjoyable addition to my blog reader. Capturing natural beauty is a skill that I’m somewhat envious of – expressing yourself through an entirely different medium. I’m sure we’ll be in touch with you, if the t-shirt idea ever takes off!


  13. Well… I definitely don’t think your blog is boring. Nor does it suck. Nor did I even know you were Freshly Pressed. So congrats on that… that’s very cool! But that’s not why I’m reading your posts, either.

    There are many gazillion places to go online to get facts, instructions and reporting. Obviously. And sometimes I visit them… for the specific purpose of finding a needed answer. When I read your blog… however… it’s because I want to. No need involved.

    Anybody can write an instructional post… but nobody can write like you.

    Except you.

    Which is why we keep coming back.


    • It’s very kind of you to say that. While I was writing this post, I really tried to think about what appeals to me when I read blogs. Like you, I often seek out specific information, but normally wouldn’t subscribe to a focused blog. What appeals to me is the willingness with which people reveal themselves. I’m not talking sordid details in and of themselves, but a person’s story and how well they know who they are, what their perspective is and how they frame their experiences. There is a certain subjective je ne sais quoi, I suppose. As you say, it’s the writer’s unique voice that sets each blog apart.


  14. I don’t agree with that other bloggers tips. People WANT to know about other people and their lives, otherwise we wouldn’t be liing in the age of reality TV, YouTube videos, personal blogs and various social media platforms. People are curious by nature 🙂


    • Not only do we want to know about other people, we want other people to know about us. I’m going to pretend that we’re not in the same league with Reality TV, though. It may only be by degrees, but I will allow myself to be fooled in this instance. Thanks for reading and commenting!


    • That poor guy is taking a beating. He was harsh in his advice, but I only meant to use it as a conversation starter. I appreciate you sticking around! I’m sure more blog suckage is on its way, so there’s always that to look forward to!

      “I’ll stick with you and avoid the Khoo.” I think you just wrote a new bumper sticker or political slogan – very funny!


  15. I hope you’ll continue to write what you want to read, and do this for yourself and not for what will come back to you. That’s a depressing place to be. It ought to simply be a creative place for your self-expression (note to self). 🙂


    • I don’t know that I could write any other way – at least not joyfully. I think it can be an easy void to get sucked into – writing for outside purposes. You seem to have hit a nice groove, especially since you’ve created a platform that allows you to do all kinds of writing. That is one thing that will change for me over the next year – working on fiction writing. You and others out in the blogosphere are showing how it’s done, so thanks for that!


      • I bet you can tell a great story too. 🙂 I try not to sell myself too much and just make it about my writing as I believe you know, take it or leave it. Of course we all have egos and want to be read, otherwise we wouldn’t be here. But I hope pleasing yourself by writing what you think is good is your first priority.


  16. Don’t believe these ‘your blog sucks’-posts. And I guess the reason why people DO like posts about personal opinions and beliefs is just simply because you can feel that someone has put a lot of effort in it. Would you be writing with your whole heart if it was about something you personally find the most boring? Keep it up (:


    • Thanks. I think you have to have a stake in your writing that doesn’t include dollars, for it to be compelling to others. At least for me, as a reader, that is what I need to sense. We know that our stories aren’t unique, but how we tell them is absolutely. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!


  17. We’re not supposed to write about stuff that interests us? We’re not supposed to write about ourselves?
    Well! Really!
    That’s why I read blogs–because I’m interested in other folks’ lives.


  18. I just wanted to say that you don’t have a boring blog and you’re looking in the wrong corners for blogging advice. DailyBlogTips is a site that helps commercial site make money with their product and of course they will never understand how a – sort of – personal blog can make money, but plenty of people are making money and I’m one of them. I’m not making millions, but I can work one day a week less so I can write an article and spend time with my family.

    Since you are a writer you should check out These guys are professionals when it comes to article-marketing.

    You write very interesting, you’re playful with words, you know how to pull a reader and guide him to the end of the article.

    So there’s nothing wrong with your blog, you’re just comparing it to the wrong blogs.

    If you want to know more, just pop over to my blog and contact me.


    Daan van den Bergh


    • Thanks for reading and commenting – I checked out your About page and got a kick out of it. I’ll keep the other info in mind, for when I get my professional blog up and running. I like this blog for the great conversations and for the community. So glad to hear a more realistic viewpoint about profiting from blogging. Working one day less has got to be a great reward for your work – especially with a youngster running about!


  19. Did Mr. Khoo, the guest blogger, get paid for that gem? He (and the website host?) should check his spelling/grammar — “It is still time?” and “tech-stuffs”? Check his “about” page, too. Don’t let an inferior writer, hosted by a website clearly in the sphere strictly for the money, push your buttons.


    • I’m not sure if he got paid for it, but it certainly got him some attention. I’ve seen a lot of blogging advice out there along the same lines. His was just so harshly stated, it’s hard not to want to respond to it. Maybe that was the point.


  20. I like reading how other people are getting through each day: with kids, without kids, with a partner, without a partner, with money, without much money…it’s like that old Paula Poundstone joke about adults asking kids what they want to be when they grow up. We’re looking for ideas. I appreciate the effort bloggers put in to telling their stories and revealing their authenticity. Everything doesn’t have to have a profit motive.


  21. Khoo who? 😛 I write coz I WANNA teehee! And yea…I read your blog coz I find YOUR life, workout injuries, sloppy childhood, opinions and every other blah blah interesting! 🙂 So please continue.


    • Thanks for your comment and encouragement to continue imposing myself upon willing readers! I keep expecting an email from Mr. Khoo thanking me for sending so many angry bloggers his way. That’s one way to ramp up your stats – write something that can make a majority of your target audience angry!


  22. Michelle, I was directed to your blog through someone who follows mine and agree with you completely. As a matter of fact (not to be self-promotional), I, too, write about things that I find interesting and, although I keep the audience in mind, mostly entertain myself! So, keep on writing, I’ll return to your blog; hope you check out mine and see if you agree with my viewpoints.


    • I will check out your blog – a little self promotion never hurts.

      I like to entertain myself, too and am ofttimes astonished when other people enjoy what I’ve written. It’s a lovely surprise.

      Thanks for finding me and commenting!


  23. How do I drive traffic to my blog? How do I mind control droves of unwitting surfers to read about what cute shit my daughter said today? It took me a few hours of reading up on this subject to realize that if I ever want to make money as a writer, this won’t be the forum for it. I like it where it’s at – thoughtful comments, an array of interesting people to “meet”, no #$@ ads on the side, no pressure to be better than the last post. It’s lovely.

    Oh, my feelings precisely. I agree with you. Getting Freshly Pressed is awful; I feel like my blog isn’t mine any more.

    “Congratulations on the traffic,” people are cooing, and I’m seething like an ungrateful and damp kitten, going “GET AWAY FROM MY BLOG YOU BASTARDS, YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND IT, IT’S NOT MEANT TO BE LIKED. STOP LIKING THAT POST. STOP! GO AWAY. I DID NOT INVITE YOU. Also, Christian blogs, I highly doubt that you actually like Darwin, or feminism, or evolutionary biology, or any of the things I write about. You are trying to get me to look at your blogs. Rest assured, if I wanted them, I would go to them.”

    I hate traffic. I always have. “Traffic” is just people stomping into your house with muddy feet, or messing up the color-coding in your laboratory, or eating all your cake without saying anything; I write for friends. Of course, friends can be strangers with new icons, passing quickly by and never seen again; friends can be real-life friends who inflict themselves with your blog simply because they love you. It’s like why I wear makeup: I’m not doing it for male attention, to please my husband, to advance my scientific career, or to impress other women. I wear makeup so that I can flirt with myself in the mirror and feel flattered, and so that my friends will quietly think that my eyebrows are naturally fantastic. “How expressive her eyebrows are,” they will say to themselves when I leave the party.

    If we wanted muddy feet in our houses, we could sing and dance and do tricks.

    If we wanted book deals it is not inconceivable that we could write books and try to find agents.

    If we want money then we can acquire it.

    It we want appealingly-increasing bar graphs, we can draw our own, label them “STATS” and invite all of our friends over to look at them.

    If we want to go “arflooblooblooo” online and have some friends go “YES, THIS IS GOOD, YOU’RE ON TO SOMETHING HERE” then we can blog, so we do.


    • This comment is hysterical. You are wonderfully curmudgeonly and your eyebrows are truly awesome! I look forward to reading more of your posts and leaving muddy footprints all over your blog. I’ll wipe my feet until we get to know each other better.

      The Freshly Pressed thing is nuts. I was glad when things settled down. Although I had to keep muttering “focus on the writing, focus on the writing”. I do appreciate having new blogs brought to my attention without scrolling through pages on the reader. I consider yours a find and a keeper!


  24. That was a great post. You nailed why I enjoy blogging as well. It’s a neat place to explore and create a virtual community. It also challenges my creativity and exposes me to the fascinating (some gems, some duds) creativity of others. Good stuff.


  25. Just ignore them, I very am new to all this, and trying to take my reader through my very own British discovery of a American Football. It’s writing about something I know nothing about but I want to discover for the sake of the man in my life. But I also write about the small things that happen in life, that I can try and turn into a blog post.
    I actually started waaaay back in 2003 as a blog about my Erasmus year, I wrote about what happened and shared it between friends in the same situation, we didn’t care about whether it was interesting to other people, we just wrote about what we experienced and loved about Europe. 🙂


    • Your perspective sounds interesting, but wow, you must really like that guy. I understand football in this country and as time goes by, it becomes less and less appealing – too much money, too much tolerance for poor behavior, too much living vicariously and not getting off the couch (we all need to!). But after watching your soccer “after parties”, bad behavior is apparently not being monopolized by the Americans.
      I’ll check out your blog when the Freshly Pressed hoopla is done. Blogging is a lot more fun now that I’ve stopped reading “how to” articles!


  26. Pingback: Life after being Freshly Pressed: tips, advice — and welcome! « Broadside

  27. Hi Michelle, I came here from Broadside.
    I don’t mind when blogs revolve around the person behind them, as long as it’s well-written, or funny, or something more. If I wanted something more technical or just to learn, I’d look for a book!
    I agree with you about overly commercial blogs. Even if the content is interesting, they tend to put me off. For now, I enjoy writing, being read, and sharing thoughts via the comments. And that’s already a lot. I wouldn’t mind making money with my blog but i can’t see any reasonable way to do it for now 🙂


    • Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment. I agree with you about blogs. Naturally, it would be nice to earn money while doing something we enjoy! However, I think it’s like anything else we do as a hobby – trying to make money from it inherently changes the nature of a website and maybe takes the joy out of it. “Reasonable way” is always the rub. It seems like even those blogs that make money depend on “churn” – drawing the traffic, but not maintaining a consistent readership, which is what I enjoy.


  28. I agree with this completely! I often worry I’m not being “interesting” enough and talking too much about my own life — why would strangers care? But when it comes down to it, I just like to share. The interaction with others is that much more exciting when I do receive a comment!


  29. Pingback: 6 Things that Suck and 5 that Don’t about Blogging

  30. Pingback: And for 2013… « Broadside

  31. Pingback: The Green Study Potpourri (or What’s that Smell?) | The Green Study

  32. I haven’t had the chance to dig too deep into your blog… but I like it. Maybe Mr. Khoo’s advice is good for business, but it takes the heart of out writing. Your posts are thoughtful, personal, and engaging. That’s why I decided to follow you. There is always going to be someone out there who is interested in what you are interested in. There are always people who like discover a genuine, personal voice. It’s pretty hard to find those people– I’ve been blogging for a few months and I only have about 30 followers and one or two people who comment regularly. I would rather that than to turn my blog into a chore I hate by always trying to sell what other people say is valuable.


    • I wrote this post about 9 months after I started blogging, so it was still relatively new to me. I’ve definitely learned since then that what makes me happy and still here in the blogosphere is exactly what you’ve said. Time, consistency and authenticity seem to be the key ingredients to developing a readership – especially if it’s not a moneymaking venture. Thanks for taking the time to comment and for your kind words about the blog.

      Liked by 1 person

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