Freshly Pressed…Thanks from The Green Study

canstockphoto7404562Thank you to WordPress and to all the bloggers and readers who stopped in to check out my post What You Call Yourself When No One’s Listening. When things slow down a bit, I will make sure to visit your blogs as well – there’s always so many great writers and bloggers to “meet” and sadly, only so much time. Thank you to those who have risked hitting the “Follow” button. I will warn you, the first few posts after those 15 minutes of fame are sellouts, but hang in there, I’ll return to my senses eventually.

In addition to saying thanks to new visitors, I would like to take a moment to thank those bloggers who have hung around in between and before the Freshly Pressed days. Who am I kidding? I never had many readers before the FP days. Anyway, I am grateful for those bloggers and commenters who I’ve steadily come to regard as blogging friends, as well as a few consistent readers who don’t blog, but put up with me in real life.

Thank you to: My patient husband and lovely daughter, who have encouraged/ignored me during this busy time. And thanks to my friends and readers: SP, ML, AB, SM, JL and KS. You know who you are. Thanks for not marking my blog notifications as spam.

I am thankful to the following people who willingly take the time to add to discussions, share a laugh, kindly offer up their own experiences and really engage in conversation. If you get a moment, check out their blogs – they’re very generous bloggers and commenters.

Thanks to Lorri (artsifirtsy) at The Eff Stop, Wyrd Smythe at Logos con Carne, Stephanie at HonieBriggs, Ruth at A New Beginning, Teresa at Belly Button Blues, Pete at Pete Armetta, Molly at Woah, Molly!, my French ex-pat friend at The Greedy Frog, Ruth at Life in the 50s and beyond, Lila at Forming the Thread, Caitlin at Broadside, Heidi at LightlyCrunchy, Dave at 1pointperspective, Daan at I Fkkn Rokk, Diane at westlakemusings, Linda at The Magic Bus Stop and so many other, newer friends as well. If I missed listing you, I apologize – I’m only on my first cup of coffee.

This has been such a pleasure. Stick around. I’m sure to disappoint. Then it will feel like a real relationship.

Thank you!

18 thoughts on “Freshly Pressed…Thanks from The Green Study

  1. Hey Lady, thanks for the mention. AND
    ¡de nada ~ Prego! ~ you’re welcome ~ dobro pozhalovatʹ ~ du är välkommen You are the rock star, I’m just a groupie. Honie the groupie…if you ever decide to take your act on the road, I’ll be Honie the roadie! HA!


    • You’re welcome! If I’m a rock star, why isn’t there a bowl of just green M & Ms in my dressing room? Surely I remembered to put that in my contract. My current roadies work for dinner and laundry – and no payroll taxes, so you’d have to low ball them to get the job. Hope you have a rockin’ day, regardless!


    • Thanks for the congrats and kind words! Feeling a lot of pressure right now to be absolutely brilliant….nope…nothing happening at this end. In the words of Robert Palmer “the lights are on, but no one’s home”. I think I still need a bit of a respite to recharge!


    • I know I should be gracious as hell about it, but I’m exhausted, since this happened right on the heels of 30 days of crazed NaNo writing. I had actually planned to take a little break, but I have to enjoy opportunities as they arise! Now it’s time to get back to the business of writing and I have to shake the ghost of pandering to an audience when I do. Nice of you to ask, Linda!


  2. Congratulations on being recognized for your talent. I truly love reading your blog and it has become one of my favorites in a very short amount of time! Way to go and thank you for sharing your life and insight with us!


  3. Pingback: I Was Freshly Pressed | terry1954

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