Thank you….let’s talk!

I’ve been enjoying blogging for the last nine months, because it has challenged me to write consistently, and to learn how to do re-writes and editing. The unintended consequence is the dialogue afterwards, which has been a pleasant surprise. I enjoy it more than the likes and follows, because engagement means I’m writing on subjects about which readers have an opinion. I would like to take a moment to utilize that WordPress stat list “Top Recent Commenters” to thank some bloggers and highlight their work:

Wyrd Smythe at Logos Con Carne: He’s a conversationalist. His blog is eclectic and sometimes mathematic/scientific in nature. And he watches a lot of TV. Wyrd Up! Yeah, I know I just dated myself.

Kay at A Gracious Life: Her blog title belies her kind and gentle commentary. She writes a sweet blog out of Manila. Thanks, Kay.

Stephanie Briggs at HONIEBRIGGS: She’s a straight shooter, both as a writer and a photographer. Thanks, Stephanie – I just got your book Summoning the Strength in the mail and will be adding it to my winter reading pile of books!

Ruth Rainwater at A New Beginning: Ruth strikes me as someone I’d like to have next door – a solid citizen with a great sense of humor and a positive outlook. I’m pretty sure she’d always have sugar on hand, too. Thanks, Ruth!

The French Ex-Pat at The Greedy Frog: She’s generous in her commentary, but don’t read her blog hungry – you’ll end up gnawing off your own arm. Que c’est délicieux !

I’ll stop at five bloggers for now, but I am thankful for all the people who take time out of their busy lives to read and comment. I also appreciate the likes and the follows, of course! I’ve decided to write a monthly gratitude post. Blogging wouldn’t be the pleasure it is without you. So thanks, and we’ll talk soon!

13 thoughts on “Thank you….let’s talk!

    • I think I’m still in the junkie phase of seeing that little orange symbol. At some point, I’ll have to take my eyes off the screen and work on my offline projects! It’s so nice after working at home the last 6 years on my own, to interact with people.


  1. Well, gosh! What a wonderful surprise, thank you most muchly!

    You’re so right: the blogging is a blast, but the conversations with readers and bloggers is the icing on the cake (and I love the icing!).


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