It’s Official – The Holiday Season is Over

canstockphoto4853252Key indicators the holiday season is over in my household:

  • I’m eating mashed potatoes for breakfast, with a side of chocolate chip cookies.
  • Since the in-laws were here for a celebration last night, the three of us are very comfortable ignoring each other today. Clarification: I’m ignoring everyone else. After all the cooking and cleaning and planning, I’m okay not playing with my daughter’s remote control helicopter.
  • All the gifts have been opened and several already need glue.
  • I’m wondering if I should look at the Visa bill online or wait until I’ve had a drink or two.
  • There is a pile of socks, holiday knick-knacks and clothes that don’t fit. The Thrift store did not score as big this year, but there’s definitely a few items coming their way.
  • We’re all coming down with colds.

Enjoy the day…in your own special way!

Just a couple of reminders:

The Green Study Holiday Humor Contest is still limping along. Tell me your funniest holiday story! I’m extending the deadline until December 27th, 2012 (12:00pm US Central Standard Time). I wasn’t sure how this would play out, but I’m guessing by the low number of entries, that I needed to try it earlier in the season, since most people are pretty busy. All current entries are still in play.

Also, check out the Company for Christmas (C4C Project) idea put out by ruleofstupid. I’m taking a shift today!

16 thoughts on “It’s Official – The Holiday Season is Over

  1. Heh, I can relate to a number of those bullet points! I know what you mean about relatives staying with you over Christmas and everyone carefully ignoring everyone else. I can remember toys that needed glue within 24 hours. But at our house, left over mashed taters were carefully left untouched so mom could make more lefse with them!

    Good thing you didn’t forget the “f” in that last sentence!!

    Merry Christmas!!!!


    • There is a learning curve with my daughter and her remote helicopter. I’ve spent the day listening to her slam it repeatedly into walls, while my husband has been practicing for his band gig on New Year’s. It’s been a long day. Hope you had a nice Christmas as well!


  2. I am also glad that the anticipation and chaos is done. Now we can sit down and relax. There is still way to much food, and waaaay too many cookies left over. Sadly, everyone is so overloaded on carbs, the cookies may have to visit the freezer for some time.


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