The Green Study Catnap: Talk Amongst Yourselves

canstockphoto6664108The August hiatus has been short-lived. My mother-in-law had a medical emergency which dictated that sleep is fleeting for all of us, often a nod-off in any available hospital chair. Watching someone you love getting poked and prodded, dignity stripped away, these are moments that belong to a forgetful summer haze. If we remember them, we would not want to love again. It’s a prick to the psyche. Or a psychic prick, which sounds funnier but like a different website altogether. Holy batshit, I need sleep.

So, as I continue to gather my wits and drool on myself, while snoring at inopportune moments, let’s continue with my month of blog introductions. Last week, we met Ellen, Pheonix, Alison and Don. This week we have a doctor of medicine and meditation, a gardener/writer/wonder woman with attitude, and a blogger who wants to make kindness cool. Sounds like the perfect prescription for any psychic pricks. She giggles hysterically to herself, slumps over and commences twitching like a dog dreaming of rabbits.


Meet Catherine Cheng, M.D. at Healing Through Connection: The Inner Work of Physician-Patient Relationship

I only started my blog in April, and the learning curve has been steep and fun. The community has welcomed me and I look forward to contributing as a good citizen. I am an internist in Chicago, mom of two, and seeker of connection. I started my blog and aim my writing to reclaim the healing physician-patient relationship. I approach it mostly through self-reflection, and a desire to start conversations between people about why we do what we do, what we all need, and how we can serve one another best.

Below are three representative posts:

The Premise

Bring What Ya Got

Gratitude, Generosity and Peace


Meet Honie at HonieBriggs: is a mashup of rants and poetry and photography with some navel gazing thrown in for good measure.

I think maybe these three are a fair representation of what readers will find on my blog:

The Long and Short of It

Remembering Longfellow

Caution: Contents May Shift During Mood Swings


Meet Donna at A Year of Living Kindly:

After about a decade of thinking about how important kindness is in this ever-shrinking planet, I decided to publicly commit to “A Year of Living Kindly”. It’s not that I’ve been a bitch all my life and am now trying to change my ways; I’m actually a nice person, but nice isn’t enough if we want to change the world. One can be nice without expending too much energy or effort; one can be nice without risking. Kindness sometimes takes risk, courage, and a willingness to be vulnerable. It also takes a good dose of humor whenever possible. So that’s what I’ve been exploring.

Here are three representative posts:

Choosing to Be For or Against…

Kindness and Curiosity

Extending Kindness to All


Thank you to the participating bloggers for taking the time to share a little with the readers here.

Tune in next week for artists and healers!

8 thoughts on “The Green Study Catnap: Talk Amongst Yourselves

  1. So sorry to hear about your mother-in-law Michelle. I’ve spent many a night (and day) in those chairs, catching a few winks here and there. I know how emotionally draining and physically exhausting it is. I hope she has a speedy recovery.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. So sorry to hear about your mother-in-law’s illness, Michelle, and the disruption to your best-laid-plans for August. Thank you so much for introducing my blog—and for signing up to follow it yourself! I so appreciate your generosity…and your kindness. Hoping all goes well on the medical front, and that you take care of yourself as you are taking care of everyone and everything else.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Peace and healing to your mother-in-law and the family. 😔
    Thank you for your generous introduction. I look forward to reading more work through your thoughtful referrals! I think Donna and I may have been sisters in a previous life. 😉
    Wishing you rest and inspiration every day. Even in your ‘absence,’ your humor and candor lift us. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

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