The Green Study Potpourri (or What’s that Smell?)


The Green Study will return on January 1st, 2016.

It’s been a chaotic few months and I’m taking some time off for napping.

canstockphoto5910485In the last few months, we moved my mother-in-law to a nursing home, our kitchen was remodeled, our water heater leaked its ancient guts all over the basement, my daughter became a middle schooler, this blog took an unexpected turn and I sank into a longer-than-normal depression. It shifted my priorities significantly. I’m still adjusting to, cleaning up after and mourning some changes.

canstockphoto16261737I wrote a post about procrastination and writing that garnered some extra attention, social media sharing and interaction. I wrote that post to get myself going and it took on a life of its own. The thing is, I still mean it. I still need to do the work. I’m spending the rest of the month doing some offline writing, a lot of reading and moments dedicated to meditating/snoring.

Blogging got me into a writing habit, but in some ways, it has outgrown that purpose. I’m struggling to find a balance between writing what I enjoy and the interaction it entails, and writing that challenges me to be a better writer. I will have been blogging almost 4 years this upcoming January, writing personal essays, sponsoring a few contests, interacting with other readers and writers. It’s been a great experience, one that I plan on continuing with renewed vigor and a little more balance in the new year.

I thought that before I went on break, I’d share a potpourri of posts from The Green Study.


09/21/12   Meta -Narcissism, or Why This Blog Might Suck

03/28/13   Oversharing and Blogging: The Thin Blabby Line

01/02/14   5 Things I Think About Before Hitting the Publish Button

01/30/15   Blogging and Me: Three Years Later and Seven Lessons In


11/18/12   Turning the Holiday Bulldozer Around

12/14/13   Holiday Angst Redux – Opting Out

11/21/14   Surviving the Holidays: An Introvert’s Guide

01/01/15   The Intimacy of Book-Giving: Just Give Me Underwear


09/06/12   Being Just Right

01/18/13   What My Hell Looks Like

11/25/14   No Butts About It: Fetishization of the Human Body

06/14/15   Stories from the Road: The Search for Narrative


Thank you to the readers and commenters, who have taken the time to read my posts or comment this year. It’s been a pleasure “meeting” you and I look forward to getting to know you more in the year ahead.

Here’s to a Happy Blogging Year in 2016!

MichelleSig copy

34 thoughts on “The Green Study Potpourri (or What’s that Smell?)

  1. Welcome back! I hope you get the meditation/ snore time that you need. Right before you put your post up about Nanowrimo I was going through a funk like that. Seeing your new posts were very helpful in me gaining speed again. I look forward to seeing more from you in the New Year.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you for the good reads,funny how you hit the nail on the head,a true pro,even leave a few smiles for character.I too am on break,reassessing my reasons for rambling on.You brought me back this far to share my gratitude for your well done works, delicious food for thought through the holidays.


  3. I think authors and story tellers/ writers, bloggers have THE Art, language & I love to read them. I am not a ‘writer’, but I have wanted to practice & sometimes that is commenting (writing for me) I keep most for myself, almost a sporadic journal… & now my point: I am dabbling with my domain, it is bare & I have know idea if I should babble my thoughts out, need any practice or try a poem… but just wanting to try, despite the elementary level that my language is and I LOVE language, I have had some encouragement and comments expressing sincere hope that this will be an fruitful & meaningful endeavor. All written so beautifully.
    I might even try a mini-short story, poem, or write a speech (just to experiment, my cat listens.)
    Thanks Melanie at the Green Study. A few words in kindness, well it impacts so much.
    That I am banking and will start practicing this with an email couple times a week to make (hopefully) a similar impact.
    Maybe journal my physical healing journey? I think I have some hard won, many years, lots of money & resources, and I have been tenacious and serious healing. I don’t need to be an author for that. It is what I do have to share.
    I need some more community and friends. You & a couple other people had simple but kind words, That be the norm, so more community.
    My rambles are long, but other people will read the impact & be reminded. I am reminded. Do unto others, pay-it-forward.
    I will try to re write this on my site. Ok, I am done! Merry Christmas, & may 2016 be rewarding and health filled, love filled, and embraced totally. To all who I have read on your comments, I wish the same for you!
    Write On!!


  4. I`m sorry to hear of all the stress your having Michelle. In one year I have been in a hotel on holiday that was renovating, I have asthma and I became seriously ill. I have been on steroids 10 times, I`ve been on a nebuliser and now I`m on four inhalers. At the same time I got scammed on the proofreading of my book. My sister ended up in hospital. Now I`m objecting to planning permission with a neighbour who`s trying to build an extension that will take away the privacy of my garden with a massive structure that would take away the privacy of my home. Michelle, we all have great strength within us and thats the strength of our spirit. If you have any beliefs in spirituality or religion use them be it God, angels whatever. If you ask you will receive. You can ask for help with your writing too. Some people who write use bad experiences to draw inspiration from, I do. That way you can turn something bad into something good.


    • I hope things have settled down for you a bit, Gabriel. Holy cow, that’s a lot on your plate! I’ve come to a place where I’ve realized that there is always something stressful going on, but that it’s not a crisis, just the nature of being alive in a rather complicated world.
      I hope that 2016 holds a lot of happy moments for you – best wishes!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thanks Michelle. Yes I agree with your comment, I think there are certain conditions in this world that we find unpleasant that are just part of living on this planet and illness is one of them. It`s not a punishment it`s part of life.If you`d like to visit my blog I`ll have written a little about this today.

        Liked by 1 person

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