The Green Study at Rest


Dear Readers and Fellow Bloggers,

I’ll be taking the next week off to rest, recoup, re-organize and re-energize. I will be posting the Honorable Mention entries for The Green Study Holiday Humor Contest this week, as well as some much-delayed awards that I need to pass onto other bloggers.

Many years ago, when I was training in the Army, a phrase stuck in my head. When your unit suffered any kind of attack, the goal was always to assess and then re-orient to the mission. That is what this next week is for me. I need to assess my writing intentions and re-orient myself to those intentions.

Blogging can be quite time-intensive and keeping up with all the great blogs out there a challenge.  It’s easy to get off track and forget what your purpose or intent was for writing out loud. I am putting out more words than I am taking in and feel like my material and resources are somewhat depleted. Blogger burnout!

I’m settling into some good books this week, getting back into an exercise routine, eating well, re-visiting favorite poets, listening to good music and soothing my somewhat ruffled soul, with the intent of returning with substance and heart and quality writing.

Wishing you a week of many happy moments and I look forward to reading your most recent posts upon my return!

MichelleSig copy

25 thoughts on “The Green Study at Rest

  1. You’re always bright and thoughtful and do what’s best and right in order to be most productive and come out swinging every day. And yes we’ll be here. Most of all, enjoy your recharge time!


  2. Enjoy the time off, I can totally relate! One thing I have found that is when you take a break it can be hard to get back into. It’s almost like an exercise program that way. Once you break the rhythm…

    So just be prepared for that!


  3. Pingback: The Green Study Holiday Humor Contest: Honorable Mention | The Green Study

  4. Pingback: The Green Study Holiday Humor Contest: Honorable Mention, Part Deux | The Green Study

  5. Pingback: The Awards Show, Part 4 | The Green Study

  6. Pingback: The Green Study Holiday Humor Contest: Honorable Mention, The Final Chapter | The Green Study

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